Team Winsel

I was going to write part two of Pushed Under The Rug, and then this happened. My husband and I were at an event today and afterwards we went to Chile's to get a bite to eat. As we were getting ready to pay, my husband realized that he didn't have his wallet. I used my card and we were on our way to our vehicle to look for his wallet. Nope, no bueno. No wallet in sight. 

I ran back into Chile's to see if it had been turned in and "nope", no wallet. We then went back to where our event was to look and nope no wallet. We even looked in the parking lot and nope, no wallet. 

This is when our adrenalin goes into full effect. We are now in crises/emergency mode. My husband being a veteran and me being a former administrator at a high school know what crises and emergencies are and how to handle them. Right away we started to make calls to cancel all the important documents in his wallet. At one point my husband suggests that we go home to complete these tasks and I was like, no let's get the high priority ones done first, right here, right now in the truck. That we did and then we got home and I hopped on the computer to file a report with law enforcement for a couple of additional documents. As I am filling out this laborious report my husband decides to call Chile's and check again. I'm thinking there is no way that it would be there now, we already checked when we were there. Ta, Ta, dah, some wonderful soul had turned it in. Off we went to pick it up, analyzing what could have happened. The only logical thing we could come up with is that the wallet fell out of my husband's pocket and slid underneath the truck. 

Enough of the analyzing sometimes there are God shots. We believe this event was a God shot. Sometimes the universe, God, Allah, Buddha, or whatever you believe is looking out for us. Why my husband decided to call Chile's to check one more time is beyond us and we are just so grateful that some beautiful and nice soul turned it in. 

Beyond that is the fact that neither one of us got mad during this 3 hour period and we simply went into action with grace. Both of us have handled crises/emergencies many times and there is always this awareness that it's time to go into action and get assistance and do what we can and that is what we did today. 

This probably isn't ranked very high on the emergency scale; however one does have to act quickly to report things missing and there is no time for fretting. We call our action mode, Team Winsel. We shift and do what we have to do to resolve what is at hand. Afterwards we breathe, thank God, hug, and relax. 

How do you react to an emergency? I would love to hear your story.