The Hard Stuff


This is where I get vulnerable. Why? Because I truly believe there are women out there that share in my vulnerabilities. 

I have had some painful parts in my life, just like everyone. I was sexually assaulted, twice divorced, lost my house to a fire, was an alcoholic, and a drug addict. I made some poor decisions because of the choices I made. I am not going to go into the nitty gritty of my sometimes-painful past. I have and continue to explore ways of healing. I am sharing, because those painful times have made me who I am today. 

I am a woman doing the work it takes to be healthy. Am I perfect? Heck no - it's all about progress not perfection. I work my sobriety every day and I have 7 years of sobriety. 

This is what I know. I know there are women out there just like me who are looking for something different or more. I imagine a circle of women coming together to support one another. Using expressive and narrative arts we can grow, explore, and create together.  Together we can allow healing to happen deeply around recovery of any type. 

This matters to me because I know that we can be better and do better together, not alone-in community. Will you join me?

I invite you to join me and other women to create, laugh, discuss, question, and be awesome together. If you are interested comment on this blog and I will be in touch, or you can DM me. I look forward to talking with you.