What is a Creative Depth Coach?

The two key words are creative and depth when it comes to this type of coach. Most coaches typically use forms of narrative expression to work with their clients. Through a creative depth process both expressive arts and narrative arts are utilized.

Mixed media, collage, tangling, watercolor, abstract art, and journaling, are just a few examples of creativity that a client uses to delve into their stories and re-discover their strengths. These methods can be intertwined to create a magical journey into the soul. When creativity is used clients are able to experience the depth of their discoveries and become curious about what is next much faster and at their own pace. 

The discovery is initiated by the client with support and reinforcement from the coach. Many times the creative process can be paused and then come back to, to realize what is hidden or not ready to be revealed. 

This process is very intuitive and absolutely no art experience is needed. As a matter of fact it is sometimes better for discovery when the client has no art experience. 

With a traditional coach much of the practice is scripted with assessment, questionnaires, journal prompts, etc...This does not happen in the creative depth process because the discussion is initiated by the client not an assessment and depending on where the client wants to go, more or not determines that creative process.

Yes, I am a Creative Depth® Coach and that is not why I am writing this blog. I am writing it because after my certification was complete many people asked me what is Creative Depth® Coaching and over the years I have honed my skills and practice to be able to share what this type of coaching is. I do offer a free consultation if you are interested in finding out more. Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions.